Hi, I'm
and I love making things on the internet
What I do
I am a software engineer with a passion for creating beautiful and functional web applications. I have experience working with a variety of technologies, including JavaScript, React, Node.js, and MongoDB. I am always looking for new opportunities to learn and grow as a developer, and I am excited to see where my career takes me next.
Stuff I use
Cloud Services
Michigan State University | Irrigation Laboratory
On-Call · Full Stack Software Developer
I am Working with Dr. Younsuk Dong in improving the codebase of Particle.io IoT boards. I am making the code more modular and readable for future developers by creating a library of all MSU Irrigation board functions. I am also working on the website for the Irrigation Lab, using Next.js to display the labs work and research to the public.
Johns Hopkins University APL | Lunar Vertex
Full-Time · Research Intern
I was a CIRCUIT Intern for the Lunar Vertex team at JHUAPL. Lunar Vertex is a mission led by JHUAPL to investigate a lunar magnetic anomaly named Reiner Gamma. I worked on creating a software that allowed for the filtering of light noise from the lunar surface. This helped the magnetometer get a more accurate picture of the lunar surface. While working at JHUAPL, I also did magnetics testing and calibration for the Lunar Vertex mission.
Professional Experience
My Journey as a Developer

A Next.js and Capacitor.js template that allows you to set up cross platform applications, simplifying the setup process.
Serenade Music
A advanced Discord music bot that contains search, play, skip, queue, and more. Serenade uses 2 dimensional embeds to display the queue and the current song.
A python package that works inside PyQt to retrieve the most current and accurate pricing of playing cards from TCGPlayer after they depricated theirs.
Cross platform automatic form filler that uses machine learning to fill out medical forms for you.
A scraper that retrieves UMBC's dining hall menu and emails it to subscribers every day.
A Pokemon Discord bot that allows you to collect, trade, and battle Pokemon with your friends. Discoreon is the closest thing to a Pokemon game on Discord.